How to Make an Aroma Therapy Neck Warmer

How to Make an Aroma Therapy Neck Warmer

Aroma therapy is well known for its therapeutic value. The essential oils can assist in inducing relaxation because scents are linked to memories; often pleasurable moments in life. When we breathe in a scent it reaches the olfactory bulb in the brain which triggers a response in our limbic system (an area of the brain where emotional memories are housed). Combining the scent with soft fabric that is warmed soothes stressed muscles where tension is held, and can help release the tension. Combine this practice with some soft music and you are on your way to relaxing!


Materials Needed:
-2 one pound bags of white rice
-The essential oil of your choice of cinnamon spice or coffee
-Two pieces of cotton flannel fabric 18 inches long by 4 inches wide
-A sewing machine or a needle and thread
-A mixing bowl that is used specifically for crafts, not for cooking if
you intend to use essential oils
-A mixing spoon
-A food shovel or spoon


Creating the wrap: sew the bag around three sides leaving one of the four inch sides open for filling with the rice mixture. Set this aside while you pour around two pounds of rice into the bowl. Add sufficient amounts of your chosen essential oil; scent beyond what you think is needed as the scent can lessen over time. If you are using cinnamon or coffee use a little more than what is pleasing, but just enough to create speckles through the mixture (around a half of cup) rather than a one to one ratio. Mix it through completely using spoon.


Filling the bag: use your food shovel or spoon to fill in bag with the rice mixture. Fill firmly to a half way point in the bag. You do not want to under fill because it will not give the necessary weight and tension. You do not want to over fill, as the bag will be inflexible and not able to hug around the neck. Sew the open end completely shut. You might want to tuck in the ends before sewing so that you have a straight hemmed edge on your finished product.


Using your aroma therapy neck warmer: heat your warmer in the microwave for one to two minutes. When just warm to touch and not overly hot. Apply to your neck or area of the body that needs soothing.

Tips & Warnings

If an injury has occurred, remember to ice for a couple of days first to

bring down inflammation before applying heat.

Some soothing scents are
, rosewood, and bergamot.

Some invigorating scents are lemon, grapefruit and other citruses

Sandalwood is a romantic scent; Geranium is a hormone balancer.

Rose is long thought of as scent used to express love.

It is important to use a good quality oil for therapeutic purposes.

If you just like the warmth and scent and don't have a pain or therapeutic issue a lesser quality oil can be used.

Do not use any polyester fabrics as they cannot be heated in the microwave.

Do not apply to skin before testing to make sure the warmer isn't too hot!

Do not allow
to use unsupervised.