How to Make an Affirmation Eye Pillow

How to Make an Affirmation Eye Pillow

Lay back and relax with soothing affirmation eye pillows over your eyes and let your troubles drift away. Affirmation eye pillows are easily made, so make several for all the people you care about, and include a personalized affirmation with each one.

Things You'll Need:

1 square piece of fabric, 7 to 8 inches in diameter

Flaxseed or rice

Essential oil

Needle and thread

Sewing machine

Funnel or envelope with one corner cut

Small pieces of tagboard or construction paper about the size of a business card

Hole punch

Colorful ribbon

Permanent marker, fine point, in a color to match the fabric


Place the rice or flaxseed in a small mixing bowl and stir in several drops of essential oil. Let the mixture sit without stirring for about 10 minutes, and then stir it to blend the essential oils. Allow the mixture to sit for about an hour.


Fold the fabric square in half to form a rectangle and stitch the long sides and one short side by hand or with a sewing machine. Turn the rectangle right sides out and poke the corners out with a pencil eraser or the end of a pen.


Using a funnel or an envelope with the corner cut, fill the pillow with the essential oil and flaxseed or rice mixture. Sew the open edge closed securely with a needle and thread, using very small stitches.


Fold a piece of tag board or construction paper in half, and write a short affirmation. Punch a hole in the corner of the card and attach it to the affirmation eye pillow with a piece of ribbon.

Tips & Warnings

If you prefer, write the affirmative message directly on the affirmation eye pillow with a fabric marker. Be sure to use unprinted fabric so the letters will show up.