How to Make an Aroma Therapy Neck Warmer

How to Make an Aroma Therapy Neck Warmer

Aroma therapy is well known for its therapeutic value. The essential oils can assist in inducing relaxation because scents are linked to memories; often pleasurable moments in life. When we breathe in a scent it reaches the olfactory bulb in the brain which triggers a response in our limbic system (an area of the brain where emotional memories are housed). Combining the scent with soft fabric that is warmed soothes stressed muscles where tension is held, and can help release the tension. Combine this practice with some soft music and you are on your way to relaxing!


Materials Needed:
-2 one pound bags of white rice
-The essential oil of your choice of cinnamon spice or coffee
-Two pieces of cotton flannel fabric 18 inches long by 4 inches wide
-A sewing machine or a needle and thread
-A mixing bowl that is used specifically for crafts, not for cooking if
you intend to use essential oils
-A mixing spoon
-A food shovel or spoon


Creating the wrap: sew the bag around three sides leaving one of the four inch sides open for filling with the rice mixture. Set this aside while you pour around two pounds of rice into the bowl. Add sufficient amounts of your chosen essential oil; scent beyond what you think is needed as the scent can lessen over time. If you are using cinnamon or coffee use a little more than what is pleasing, but just enough to create speckles through the mixture (around a half of cup) rather than a one to one ratio. Mix it through completely using spoon.


Filling the bag: use your food shovel or spoon to fill in bag with the rice mixture. Fill firmly to a half way point in the bag. You do not want to under fill because it will not give the necessary weight and tension. You do not want to over fill, as the bag will be inflexible and not able to hug around the neck. Sew the open end completely shut. You might want to tuck in the ends before sewing so that you have a straight hemmed edge on your finished product.


Using your aroma therapy neck warmer: heat your warmer in the microwave for one to two minutes. When just warm to touch and not overly hot. Apply to your neck or area of the body that needs soothing.

Tips & Warnings

If an injury has occurred, remember to ice for a couple of days first to

bring down inflammation before applying heat.

Some soothing scents are
, rosewood, and bergamot.

Some invigorating scents are lemon, grapefruit and other citruses

Sandalwood is a romantic scent; Geranium is a hormone balancer.

Rose is long thought of as scent used to express love.

It is important to use a good quality oil for therapeutic purposes.

If you just like the warmth and scent and don't have a pain or therapeutic issue a lesser quality oil can be used.

Do not use any polyester fabrics as they cannot be heated in the microwave.

Do not apply to skin before testing to make sure the warmer isn't too hot!

Do not allow
to use unsupervised.

How to Make an Aphrodisiac Sea Salt Bath

How to Make an Aphrodisiac Sea Salt Bath

This is a great way to add a little spice to your sex life. It's great to do for yourself anytime you would like to, for your special someone or to do together. It's a simple project that can be completed in a little amount of time to help relax and to stimulate euphoria. Read on to learn how to make an aphrodisiac sea salt bath.

Things You'll Need:

1/4 cup sea salt

4 drops ylang-ylang (cananga odorata) essential oil

3 drops neroli (citrus aurantium) essential oil

3 drops bergamot (citrus bergamia) essential oil

3 tbsp. honey

2 oz. fresh cream

Small mixing bowl



In bowl add sea salt, drop the correct number of drops of essential oils over the top of the sea salt and mix.


Mix in the honey with the sea salt and essential oils. The honey is a bit sticky but will mix with the sea salt to form a pasty mixture.


Now add the cream to the mixture, stir together. Set the mixture down near the tub.


Next fill the tub with water. It should be fairly warm, nice and relaxing, not hot enough that you step out as red as a lobster.


Once the tub is ready, add the mixture to the tub and mix with your hand briefly. Set the mixing bowl and spoon aside, since you are done with them.


Now you get to step into the sensual smelling and relaxing bath. Soak for as long as you would like. Between the water and the scent you will get out of the tub feeling euphoric.


Once you are done soaking and are feeling euphoric, pat dry and continue on with your evening.

Tips & Warnings

If the two of you take the bath together it's a great way to spend a little extra time together before heading to the bedroom.

The recipe is for a standard size bathtub, if you have a large tub you will want to double the amounts used.

If you do this for your special someone--while they are relaxing in the tub--it's a great time to rub their shoulders or feet if you are able to get to them easily.

Follow your tub manufacturer guidelines if you are using with a whirlpool tub or a tub with jets.

How to Make an Anti-cellulite Massage Oil

How to Make an Anti-cellulite Massage Oil

You can make your own anti-cellulite massage oil. This homemade cellulite treatment can be just as effective as commercial preparations. What's more, as a natural home remedy, it does not contain any harsh chemicals. Read on to learn how to Anti-cellulite Massage Oil.


Blend the almond oil, carrot tissue and jojoba to make your base oil.


Combine the fennel, grapefruit and lemon to create your essential oil blend.


Add the essential oil blend to the base oil and mix well.

How to Make An Aloe Vera Gargle

How to Make An Aloe Vera Gargle

In this article you will learn how to make an aloe vera gargle. This is a natural gargle made from the leaves of an aloe vera plant.

Things You'll Need:

Several leaves from an aloe vera plant

Enamel pan



Cut or pinch off several aloe vera leaves from an aloe vera plant. Place the leaves in an enamel pan.


Add several pints of water to the enamel pan with the aloe vera leaves in it. Bring the water to a boil.


Strain the water and aloe vera leaves well, allowing the mixture to cool, and use as a gargle.

Tips & Warnings

Do not use if you are allergic to any form of aloe vera

How to Make an Air Bath

How to Make an Air Bath

An air bath will purify your skin and help purge the common cold from your body. Benjamin Franklin was famous for taking an air bath every morning. He exposed his skin to fresh air, opening the skin’s pores first with a warm bath. A modern version of the air bath allows us to get the same benefits without having to expose the unclothed body to the open fresh air. The modern air bath opens your pores quicker and increases your metabolism.

Things You'll Need:


2 cups water

2 oz. of castile soap, grated

1 oz. of liquid glycerin

3 drops of eucalyptus oil

2 drops of spearmint oil

2 drops of peppermint oil

4 drops of food coloring (optional)

Plastic bottle with lid


Bring the water to a boil and add the grated castle soap. Reduce to simmer until the soap melts. Remove from the stove and set aside.


Combine the glycerin and the essential oils. Stir the glycerin before adding the essential oils. Slowly add the essential oils, making sure the concentrated oils do not touch your skin.


Add food coloring. Food coloring will give your air bath an appealing look. The food coloring will not interfere with the benefits of an air bath, nor will the bath color your skin.


Pour mixture into a plastic bottle. Recycle an old soda bottle or bubble bath bottle to contain your fresh air bath. Choose a bottle that will hold at least 12 oz., unless you want to put the mixture into several bottles. If you choose to pour the air bath mixture into several smaller bottles, shake the mixture before pouring.


Add a few capfuls of your air bath mixture into your bath water. Add the air bath mixture under running water to bring out the beneficial properties. If you have a nervous disorder or other chronic sensitivities, soak no more than 3 minutes for the first few baths. Do not allow the bath to cool--add more hot water to the bath as it cools.


Wrap your body in a towel or remain unclothed. For chronic illnesses or the common cold, wrap yourself in a towel; otherwise, remain unclothed for an hour, if possible.

Tips & Warnings

Drugstores do not always carry some of the ingredients. Visit your local health food store or buy your ingredients online.

An air bath reduces muscle fatigue, making it beneficial soak after work or exercise.

Do not get concentrated essential oils on your skin. Concentrated oils may burn your skin or you may develop a rash.

Do not expose your unclothed body to the outdoors where it may be inappropriate or disregard local laws.

How to Make an Affirmation Eye Pillow

How to Make an Affirmation Eye Pillow

Lay back and relax with soothing affirmation eye pillows over your eyes and let your troubles drift away. Affirmation eye pillows are easily made, so make several for all the people you care about, and include a personalized affirmation with each one.

Things You'll Need:

1 square piece of fabric, 7 to 8 inches in diameter

Flaxseed or rice

Essential oil

Needle and thread

Sewing machine

Funnel or envelope with one corner cut

Small pieces of tagboard or construction paper about the size of a business card

Hole punch

Colorful ribbon

Permanent marker, fine point, in a color to match the fabric


Place the rice or flaxseed in a small mixing bowl and stir in several drops of essential oil. Let the mixture sit without stirring for about 10 minutes, and then stir it to blend the essential oils. Allow the mixture to sit for about an hour.


Fold the fabric square in half to form a rectangle and stitch the long sides and one short side by hand or with a sewing machine. Turn the rectangle right sides out and poke the corners out with a pencil eraser or the end of a pen.


Using a funnel or an envelope with the corner cut, fill the pillow with the essential oil and flaxseed or rice mixture. Sew the open edge closed securely with a needle and thread, using very small stitches.


Fold a piece of tag board or construction paper in half, and write a short affirmation. Punch a hole in the corner of the card and attach it to the affirmation eye pillow with a piece of ribbon.

Tips & Warnings

If you prefer, write the affirmative message directly on the affirmation eye pillow with a fabric marker. Be sure to use unprinted fabric so the letters will show up.

How to Make a Medicinal Herbal Oil

How to Make a Medicinal Herbal Oil

Healing herbal oils can easily be made at home from wild or organically grown, fresh medicinal plants at no cost except for the price of the olive oil. Herbal oils such as yarrow, plantain, chickweed, St. John's wort, and others are invaluable for external use in healing wounds and treating skin problems. By making your own infused oil, you can be sure that your ingredients are fresh and potent and harvesting your own herbs gives you a healing intimacy with nature.

Things You'll Need:

Extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil

Clean, completely dry jar with wide mouth and tight lid

Saucer to place under jar

Sticky label and marker

Chopping board and knife (optional)


Identify and locate the plant you with to use to make your oil. A knowledgeable friend or a good field guide can confirm your identification if you are not intimately familiar with the species.


Harvest the plant, which must be absolutely dry on the outside when you gather it, to prevent the formation of mold in your oil.


Chop the plant into pieces. This step increases the surface area of the material for infusion, making the resultant oil slightly stronger, but it can be skipped.


Fill the jar with the plant matter, packing it down firmly but gently.


Fill the jar again with olive oil, all the way to the brim, cap the jar, and label it with the
and contents.


Let the jar sit in a dark place for six weeks, resting on a saucer to catch any overflow as the herb reacts with the oil, sometimes causing it to bubble. This action is normal. Every couple of days, open the lid and check the level of the liquid. Add oil back up the the brim if the level has gone down.


After six weeks, strain out the oil, squeezing the plant matter to get the last bits out. Store the oil in a bottle or jar, pouring some into a smaller bottle for easier use.

Tips & Warnings

This oil is for external use only.

Consult books such as Susun Weed's "Healing Wise" for information on selecting and using herbs for oils.

Any plant parts sticking out of the oil will tend to mold, so the herbs must be kept covered by oil.

Moisture will also cause mold, so every item involved, including plants, jars, and hands, should be kept dry. DO NOT WASH THE HERBS before putting them into oil.

How to Make a Massage Oil to Help Relieve PMS

How to Make a Massage Oil to Help Relieve PMS

We all know those PMS feelings-cramps, bloating, aches-that women experience as their period approach. The good news is that you can create a natural massage oil using essential oils that can help reduce or even alleviate such monthly unpleasantries. Here’s how to select and prepare a massage oil that will help offset the symptoms of PMS.

Things You'll Need:

Pure essential oils

Jojoba, Borage or Sesame massage oil

Bottle with cap

Create a Massage Oil to Relieve PMS Symptoms


Buy only massage oils that are specifically designed to be used for massage. They have been specially refined and prepared for use on the skin. You can get it at health food stores and online.


Choose 100% pure essential oils-only these offer healthful benefits. The label will state "100% pure." You can find them at health food stores and online. Don’t use synthetic oils-they do not have the same benefits.


Choose which formula you prefer based on what you like to smell. Sniff testers are usually available at health food stores. Formula #1 uses Rose, Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot and Geranium essential oils. Formula #2 uses Chamomile, Geranium,
, Bois de Rose, and Clary Sage essential oils.


Make the Formula #1 massage oil. Measure two tablespoons (30ml) of Sesame oil into the bottle. Add 10 drops of Rose, 8 of Ylang-Ylang, 7 of Bergamot and 5 of Geranium essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


Make the Formula #2 massage oil. Measure one tablespoon (15ml) each of Borage and Jojoba oils into the bottle. Add 7 drops each of Chamomile, Geranium, and Lavender, 5 drops of Bois de Rose, and 4 of Clary Sage essential oils. Cap the bottle and shake well. Go to Step 6.


Massage the oil onto your lower back at least once a day. Start prior to the onset of PMS symptoms. You can also massage onto your abdomen, and then cup your hands and inhale the aromas for added benefits.

Tips & Warnings

If you want to make a larger batch of oil, simply increase the proportions, such as doubling or tripling the amounts. The massage oil will keep.

For anyone with sensitive skin, dilute the essential oils even more.

Store all oils in a cool dry place. Keep the lids firmly closed to prevent evaporation, and keep away from sunlight.

Do not go sunbathing if you use a massage oil that contains citrus-based oils such as Bergamot, as it makes skin more sun-sensitive.

If you are experiencing extreme cramps, severe clotting, or very heavy bleeding, or your period is atypical to what you usually have, you should consult your health care professional, as these may be symptoms of other health issues.

Do not use oils if you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant without getting professional advice.

If any skin irritation occurs, stop using immediately.

People with pollen allergies should be careful when using Chamomile essential oil, as they may have a higher sensitivity to it.

How to Manage Diabetes With Qigong

How to Manage Diabetes With Qigong

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice used by practitioners to promote health, fitness and well being. Pronounced "chee-gong," it's employed as a means to treat and manage many of the most common ailments plaguing human beings, including diabetes and hypertension. Qigong is a combination of breathing techniques, meditation, visualization exercises and focused movements. The materials needed to practice Qigong (like comfortable clothing) are inexpensive. Follow these steps to use Qigong to manage diabetes.

Things You'll Need:

Loose, comfortable clothing to allow for maximum range of motion


Use Qigong to restore harmony to your body. According to traditional Asian medical beliefs, ailments like diabetes are caused by imbalances in the body's energy flows. Qigong re-aligns your body to your environment.


Take your position. Qigong has many forms/movements that can be done either standing or sitting.


Be aware of your body. Pay close attention to your posture. Improper posture can result in unwanted strain on the body. It will limit the effectiveness of your practice.


Maintain your balance and weight distribution throughout your Qigong exercises.


Notice your breathing. Proper breathing techniques are central to Qigong.


Breath deeply. Relaxed, regulated breathing increases the blood oxygenation needed to help regulate blood sugar levels and manage diabetes.


Visualize your breath. Picture it entering your nose and pull it down deep into your lungs and abdomen. Expand your stomach with your abs to pull in more air.


Clear your mind. One of the main benefits of Qigong is its ability to reduce stress and promote overall feelings of well being that may help you manage your diabetes. Diabetics know just how important it is to reduce the stress that can lead to hypertension and heart disease.


Practice Qigong as part of your total health and fitness program. Regular exercise such as Qigong is essential to maintaining health and regulating the blood sugar levels that contribute directly to diabetes.


Learn more about Qigong and its application in treating common ailments by visiting the Qigong Institute Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If you're new to Qigong, practice each component separately before combining them. You'll need to master every aspect of Qigong in order to maximize its effectiveness.

If you're using Qigong to manage diabetes, combine it with changes in your diet to get the most out of it. For example, regulate your sugar intake and avoid "white" foods like white bread, pasta and rice that cause short term, dramatic spikes in blood sugar levels.

If you experience any pain, shortness of breath or dizziness while practicing Qigong, stop what you're doing and consult a doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Make Homemade Aromatherapy

How to Make Homemade Aromatherapy

Practiced for centuries, aromatherapy involves using essential oils from
, herbs and flowers in the treatment of common ailments. These techniques may be used to address a wide range of conditions, from headaches to hangovers.

Things You'll Need:

Aromatherapy oils


Aromatherapy book

Define the Ailments You Want to Treat


Take stock of your current health situation, noting areas that you'd like to improve.


Make a list of the ailments and conditions you hope to alleviate via homemade aromatherapy.

Understand Which Aromatherapy Oils are Right for You


Purchase "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Oils in Aromatherapy and Herbalism" by Julia Lawless (see Resources below).


Cross-reference your list of ailments with the information presented in the book to generate a list of aromatherapy oils best suited for your needs.

Purchase Aromatherapy Oils


Do your research. Aromatherapy oils are available both online and in certain health food stores. Compare your options.


Choose a pure essential oil for best results. Note that oils labeled "fragrance oil," "nature identical oil" or "perfume oil" are not pure essential oils, but inferior combinations of essential oils and chemical additives.

Make Homemade Aromatherapy


Use "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" as your guide in creating oil mixtures to treat your conditions and improve your well-being.


Budget no more than a few minutes to make these homemade potions, since combining oils is a simple process.


Learn more about the uses of aromatherapy by visiting the International Federation of Aromatherapists Web site (see Resources below). This site offers useful information on the history and applications of aromatherapy and may also serve as a point of reference should you choose to hire a professional aromatherapist.

Tips & Warnings

Aromatherapy oils vary in price from inexpensive to expensive. Oils harvested in certain countries are more costly that those harvested in others. Additionally, organic oils tend to be most expensive.

Aromatherapy books and droppers are inexpensively priced.

If you're experiencing severe symptoms such as excessive and prolonged bleeding, see a doctor.

When applied undiluted, certain aromatherapy oils can cause a toxic reaction. Oils are usually mixed with a carrier oil such as hazelwood oil. If you're applying an oil that hasn't been mixed in this manner, be sure to research it carefully prior to application to avoid an unpleasant result.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Learn the Alexander Technique

How to Learn the Alexander Technique

Around the world, people use the Alexander Technique to become more aware of their bodies and achieve balance. The Alexander Technique may be helpful for easing movement and preventing injury, as well as relieving pain and eliminating stress. The technique may even help individuals with asthma and arthritis. If you're interested in a natural way to improve your general well-being, you may want to learn the Alexander Technique.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Select an Alexander Technique Teacher


Go to the American Society for the Alexander Technique Web site (see Resources below).


Seek a teacher in your area by clicking the "Find A Teacher" link.


Click on your state in the drop-down box or use your mouse to click the "International Teachers" link.


Contact teachers in your area and ask about their rates and lesson procedures.


Arrange for a lesson with the teacher of your choice.

Attend Your First Alexander Technique Lesson


Arrive at your lesson dressed comfortably, in loose-fitting clothing.


Keep an open mind as you begin your first lesson.


Expect your first lesson to be about 30 to 45 minutes long.

Learn the Alexander Technique on Your Own


Purchase "Teach Yourself the Alexander Technique" by Richard Craze on the Amazon Web site (see Resources below).


Follow the instructions in the book to teach yourself the Alexander Technique.


Get more information about the Alexander Technique by visiting the Barstow Institute Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If you decide to teach yourself the Alexander Technique, it may be smart to meet with a teacher at least once in your educational journey. By doing so, you have the opportunity to gain hands-on guidance helpful in continuing your lessons at home.

The costs of learning the Alexander Technique vary depending on the school, teacher or course you choose. Generally speaking, however, teacher-led lessons are moderately priced while self-teaching can be accomplished on a budget.

Avoid thinking of the Alexander Technique as a cure for all things. If you are in need of treatment for a medical or mental health condition, such chronic fatigue syndrome or anxiety, you should seek the advice of a doctor at your earliest convenience.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Learn About the Science Behind Chinese Medicine

How to Learn About the Science Behind Chinese Medicine

Though Chinese medicine developed, in large part, prior to the advent of modern science, some scientists today are finding increasing empirical evidence that Chinese acupuncture and herbal treatments work very well, with few side effects. If you're curious about how acupuncture relieves muscle stiffness or how herbal concoctions can relieve your flu, follow these steps to learn more about the science behind Chinese medicine.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Understand the Science Behind Acupuncture


Know that proponents say that acupuncture points have an electrical resistance that differs from that of the tissue around them.


Understand your brain's chemistry. A treatment started at a specific acupuncture point, like your foot, can be received by a different part of your body, like your shoulder.


Learn how acupuncture needles introduce electromagnetic forces into your body. They behave like antennas, drawing electromagnetism into the insertion point.


Familiarize yourself with your body's natural painkillers. Acupuncture coaxes your brain into producing and releasing more pain-treating chemicals, like endorphins and serotonin.


Consult an acupuncture specialist. The cost of a session with a Chinese medicine practitioner is moderate and affordable. It may even be covered under your health insurance plan.

Learn the Science Behind Herbal Treatments


Understand how drugs work on your body. All drugs, including herbal treatments, introduce agents to your bloodstream that your brain then processes to create the desired effect.


Read up on current developments in the scientific study of Chinese herbal remedies at the Saugerties Wellness Center Web site (see Resources below). There's an increasing body of evidence suggesting they're as effective as conventional drugs in treating certain conditions, with less side effects.


Exercise caution when using herbal treatments. Though they're frequently marketed as dietary supplements, you should have a thorough understanding of their effects before you start using them. Herbs can interact with other drugs in negative ways. For instance, taking certain herbs will make birth control pills less effective.


Find a Chinese herbalist in your town or city who can explain how herbal remedies work on your body. Consultation costs tend to be inexpensive.

Tips & Warnings

Don't diagnose or treat ailments yourself using Chinese medicine until you consult an expert. Serious conditions like artery blockage and bone breaks should be treated using conventional medicine.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Learn About the History of Chinese Medicine

How to Learn About the History of Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is derived from the philosophy of Taoism, one of the world's oldest belief systems and China's principal spiritual philosophy. Underpinned by the belief that disease is caused by disharmony within the body, Chinese medicine is viewed as a viable alternative to treat illnesses ranging from allergies and the flu to chronic pain. Follow these steps to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of Chinese Taoist philosophy, particularly the concepts of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. They recur throughout discussions about the history of Chinese medicine.


Learn about the major periods of Chinese history. Chinese medicine evolved in step with Chinese history itself, and an understanding of the major events (particularly dynastic shifts) in the history of China will help you contextualize events in the history of Chinese medicine.


Understand the difference between "classical Chinese medicine" and "traditional Chinese medicine." The two terms are not interchangeable. They represent two historically distinct approaches to the treatment of illnesses.


Acquaint yourself with the principles of the Meridian energy systems of the human body and Zang Fu organ theory. Both are centrally important concepts in the history of Chinese medicine.


Seek out a practitioner of Chinese medicine in your community. Most qualified practitioners will be happy to sit down with you and offer lengthy explanations of the techniques they use.


Understand that acupuncture, herbal therapy and massage treatments are the most commonly used techniques in Chinese medicine today. They're practiced as an alternative to conventional medicine in the West.


Read Peng Yoke Ho and Peter Lisowski's concise and accessible book, "A Brief History of Chinese Medicine and Its Influence" (see Resources below). Ho and Lisowski are both internationally recognized experts on the history of Chinese medicine. Electronic books allow you to learn about the history of Chinese medicine for free.

Tips & Warnings

Never self-administer any medications, even herbal medications, without professional guidance. Consult a qualified practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine before you undertake a treatment program for any ailment, no matter how minor it might seem.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress to Enhance a Flat Bottom

How to Dress to Enhance a Flat Bottom

Give your bottom a lift with high-tech fabrics and underwear enhancements, or downplay its flatness with the right clothes.

Things You'll Need:

A-line Skirts

Cashmere Shawl

Cotton Underwear



Women's Belts

Women's Casual Tops

Women's Causal Pants

Women's Dress Coats

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Sweater

Women's Khakis

Women's Pleated Pants

dresses and skirts


Look for underwear that boosts your bottom. Spandex styles with slight padding enhance well and keep everything firmly in place.


Select pants with pockets and pleats, as they'll create the illusion of dimension. Avoid styles that hug under your cheeks. Instead, choose styles that hang from the middle of your bottom.


Wear bias-cut skirts and dresses with a slight drape. This creates movement, and the slight creases caused by the bias will give the illusion that your bottom has more shape.


Emphasize your waist to draw an admirer's attention away from your behind. Wear jackets and dresses that are belted.


Remember fitted skirts and pants will only draw attention to your flatness. A-line skirts, as well as loose-fitting tops and jackets, can camouflage this area.

Tips & Warnings

Good posture enhances any body type. Stand tall, keep your shoulders back and your blades down your back. Keep your chin held high.

How to Dress to Elongate Short Legs

How to Dress to Elongate Short Legs

Create the illusion of longer legs by combining silhouettes that lengthen your lower half.

Things You'll Need:

Women's Casual Tops

Women's Causal Pants

Women's Closed-toed Shoes

Women's Dress Coats

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Shirts

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Dress Sweater

Women's Sandals

Women's Shorts


Mix lengths when you must wear a suit. Wear long jackets with shorter skirts, and short jackets with longer skirts.


Select high-waisted pants and skirts, as these styles create the illusion that your legs start in a higher place. Ignore this tip if you're short-waisted.


Opt for short skirts and shorts where appropriate. Skirts or shorts to the knee will highlight the shortness of your leg.


Choose long, tapered pants such as leggings or cigarette pants. Wear capri pants and pedal pushers for casual spring and summer days.


Wear shirts, jackets and coats that are short in length. Go for crop tops on warm days.


Avoid tops that hit the hips and tunics and long blazers. These will lengthen your torso, thereby shortening the lower half of your body.


Consider wearing all one color. This creates a long visual line.


Give yourself a slight boost with a low to midheight heel. You can even find casual tennis shoes with a 1-inch heel.


Steer clear of cuffed and wide-leg pants.

Tips & Warnings

Good posture will enhance any figure. Stand tall, with your shoulders back and your blades down your back. Keep your chin held high.

How to Dress to Camouflage a Flat Butt

How to Dress to Camouflage a Flat Butt

Everyone wants to fill out their clothing, and nothing is worse than turning around and seeing a flattened butt staring back at you in the mirror. However, there is some hope for those who are less than blessed in the backside department. Follow some easy and effective steps to dress to camouflage a flat butt and fool everyone into believing that you are well padded on the backside.


First assess your shape accurately in front of a mirror. Take notice of the shape of your butt; ask yourself if it's extremely flat or simply longer and less protruding than other backsides you see.


Start with trying on different pants, since a good pair of pants can do wonders to accentuate the butt. Look for jeans with the pocket stitching that fit higher, toward the middle of the butt. This stitching, along with higher waisted fits, will help make your bottom stand out more.


Wear pants with a slight tapering at the knee or a straight leg. This cut makes the butt look a bit larger in comparison to the rest of the figure. Find your correct size to ensure that no excess fabric is hanging off on any pair of pants that you buy, especially on the seat of the pants.


Find dresses and skirts that are belted at the waist. The belt helps accent the butt by drawing more attention to the waist and tapering the eye is drawn to that area. Try dresses with light rouching or bunching in the back to help create the illusion of more flesh.


Search lingerie stores for butt enhancers that go inside your panties or pants to create the illusion of a larger butt. Carefully place the inserts into your clothing for an extra lift and plumping and to camouflage the flat part of the butt.

Tips & Warnings

Stay clear of low rise jeans. This style can draw attention to the wrong areas of the figure and only maximize the flat appearance of the butt.

The bigger the pocket on the jeans, the larger the butt will appear.

Stretch material helps to contour the butt.

How to Dress to Balance a Short Waist

How to Dress to Balance a Short Waist

Give the appearance of an elongated torso by coordinating styles that balance your body's proportions.

Things You'll Need:

Cashmere Shawl

Women's Casual Tops

Women's Causal Pants

Women's Dress Coats

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Shirts

Women's Dress Shoes

Women's Dress Sweater

Women's Sandals

Women's Shorts

dresses and skirts


Look for pants and skirts that hug your hips. Low-waisted pants, hip huggers, hipster pants and low-slung skirts will complement your figure well. Pants and skirts without a waistband inherently sit lower.


Choose a belt that is the same color as your top. This gives the illusion that your torso is longer. By wearing


below the waist, you can further lengthen the line of your upper body.


Wear tunics, sweaters and


that hang below the waist. Make sure your tops hit above the behind, however, or you risk shortening the look of your legs.


Pair a shorter skirt with long jackets.


Wear open, untucked blouses over an untucked camisole or tank top. Keep the colors similar.


Avoid high-waisted pants.

Tips & Warnings

Detailed pant cuffs will naturally draw your admirer's eye down your leg, creating an illusion of length. Look for embroidery, decorative taping, scalloped edging and lace.

How to Dress to Balance a Full Hourglass Figure

How to Dress to Balance a Full Hourglass Figure

Full-figure fashion has evolved into a multibillion-dollar business, and at long last, a woman of size can select stylish, well-made clothes tailored to her figure. Minimizing your fullness is easily accomplished through color blocking your clothes and understanding styles that balance your shape.

Things You'll Need:

Silk Scarf

Women's Casual Tops

Women's Causal Pants

Women's Dress Coats

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Shirts

Women's Dress Sweater

Women's Shorts

dresses and skirts


Seek to emphasize your waist without highlighting your curves by color blocking your outfits. Choose a dark bottom and a lighter top, with a belt that matches the pant or skirt.


Consider a loose blouse with an open collar or a loose-fitting v-neck on top. Tight shirts and all high-collar knits will enhance only the appearance of your bust.


Select tuxedo, shawl and v-neck collars. Look for tops that are cropped or end at the waist.


Wear bias-cut dresses with enough room to shift. These dresses will crease in at your natural waist, as long as the fabric is lightweight and drapes well. For daytime consider softly belted shirtdresses.


Think about flat-front, side-zip and pocketless pants, as they minimize your full hips and bottom.


Complement your figure with single- and double-breasted jackets that are slightly fitted or have princess seams.


Go monochromatic with a thin belt. Remember that dark colors such as brown, navy, charcoal and black are naturally slimming.

Tips & Warnings

Lightweight velvet is a great evening fabric for your body type. It's elegant, drapes very well and has a natural give.

Avoid stiff or heavy fabrics, as well as those with spandex or elastic.

Avoid thick belts.

How to Dress to Add Weight and Shape to Your Body

How to Dress to Add Weight and Shape to Your Body

Who would want to add the illusion of weight to their body? Someone like me who has a very straight, skinny body due to fast metabolism and their family genes. No matter what I do, I can't gain weight but with these easy steps I can look like a shapely, sexy woman. Read on to learn how to dress to add weight and shape to your body.

Things You'll Need:

Different style clothes

Full-length mirror


Pick clothes with light colors. Whites with vertical stripes give your body a larger appearance.


Dress in layers in A-line style clothes. Wearing long shirts with short sweaters over them (for winter) or vests over them for spring or summer will give you a layered stylish look.


Designs also give you a larger appearance. Pick shirts, sweaters and dresses with different kinds of designs or buttons. Pick jeans and pants that are tight around the butt to make it pop out but not to straight in the leg.


Always check your self in a full-length mirror to make sure your outfit don't give away your stick figure.

Tips & Warnings

No matter what you do, or how you dress always remember to love yourself.

How to Dress Sharp

How to Dress Sharp

If you want to catch people's attention and establish yourself as a serious style setter, make the extra effort to dress sharp. With a little planning and creativity, you can make a great impression. Read on to learn how.

Things You'll Need:

Dress pants


Low boots

High boots

Wrap dress



Look for classic clothing that is very well cut and fits your body perfectly.


Pair dress pants that have a flattering drape with a rich silk blouse. Add a signature piece of jewelry, such as a unique pendant on a long chunky chain.


Choose low boots with an elongated toe and polish the leather so it gleams. Or, go for an expensive looking pair of nice pumps.


Remember that details matter. Find items that are timeliness but have a memorable detail, such as jewelry set with semiprecious gemstones, shoes with contrast stitching or a sweater accented with sequins or jewels.


Wear a wrap dress that hugs your body and pumps, or change the look by swapping the shoes for equestrian-style boots.


Invest a high-quality long overcoat. Consider one in a cashmere blend with nice buttons and fur trim.


Buy a neutral handbag that will look good with everything.


Be willing to invest in quality pieces that will last you for years to come.

Tips & Warnings

Check seams and finishing details to find items that are well made.

Have clothing tailored to fit you.

Steer clear of anything too trendy.

Remember that ill-fitting clothes can ruin the look.

How to Dress Rich

How to Dress Rich

Don't despair if you're a classy woman who wants to dress like an heiress, but has a lot more taste than money. With a little extra effort and some planning you can take your place with the most well-dressed woman in town. You don't have to have a lot of money to dress rich, but you do need some strategies.


Develop the right attitude. Think and act confidently. Expect to be treated well, and you will be treated well. When you feel good about your clothes, you can move elegantly and graceful through any situation.


Go for quality instead of quantity. It's better to have two well-made and perfectly fitted outfits in your closet instead of 14 poorly designed garments. Visit ritzy designer


. You'll get plenty of ideas, even if you can't afford to buy.


Understand that style is more important than fashion. Women who are both rich and chic have the fashion savvy to understand trends come and go quickly. But fashion classics, such as a cashmere sweater set, a wool blazer, pearls and the little black dress, never go out of style and are always appropriate.


Shop the sales. Especially at the end of each season, you can discover some fantastic bargains. Shop for classic items that will last from year to year.


Hit the

. It's no shame to outfit yourself from the secondhand shop. Be prepared to spend plenty of time shopping, but you'll find designer labels mixed in with the tacky and the shabby. Think of it as an adventure. If shopping at the thrift store is too much of a stretch for you, visit some consignment shops. You won't find as much to choose from, but you'll be shopping in a nicer atmosphere. For incredible bargains, though, you can't beat the thrift shop.


Make a wardrobe plan. Write it down, and keep it in your purse. It will keep you from making impulsive purchases you'll regret later. A good black dress this month, a lovely white shirt next month and before you know it, you'll have a rich wardrobe.


Focus on the intangibles. You can't put a price on good grooming and a pleasant, friendly attitude.

How to Dress Retro and Unique

How to Dress Retro and Unique

You can follow current fashion trends by scanning the pages of fashion magazines and watching celebrities on television, but dressing with retro style takes more effort. Finding a unique retro style is a great way to express your individual style.


Get inspired by an icon from the past instead of following the trends of today's celebrities. James Dean, Marilyn Monroe and Debbie Harry all changed fashion with their signature looks; find a style from yesterday that you identify with and draw inspiration from the icon that made it their own.


Mix different decades together. Dressing retro doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to the style of just one decade. If you like shoes from the 1940s and the minidresses that were all the rage in the 1960s, pair them together in your own unique style.


Choose a signature piece of clothing or an accessory that you really love and incorporate it into everything that you wear. It can be a favorite hat, a great pair of shoes or an awesome jacket--something that defines your style will make every outfit uniquely you.


Find fashion everywhere. Start with thrift stores and secondhand stores to pick up retro fashion cheaply. Don't stop at these places though; garage sales, estate sales and even your grandmother's closet can be great places to find retro fashions. Putting together your look from a variety of different sources will allow you to create a look that is all your own.


Be prepared to deal with the reactions of people who don't appreciate a unique sense of fashion. Adopt your retro style and be proud of it. No matter what kind of strange looks you get from everyone else, remember that you're expressing your individuality and dressing in a way that expresses who you are. That's a
that is timeless.

How to Dress Provocatively

How to Dress Provocatively

Hey ladies, you know you want to attract attention at the club, or perhaps give your boyfriend or husband a hot, visual treat. Well, its time to let your jeans, T-shirt and tennies take a break for the night! Here's what you'll need to go from plain to provocative!

Things You'll Need:

Fitted minidress

Miniskirt and fitted top (if you choose not to wear a minidress)

Fishnet hosiery

High heels

A great-fitting push-up bra



Choose that perfect and provocative look for you, depending on your body type and features. If you are comfortable wearing a minidress, go for it! Look for above-the-knee styles and also cleavage-revealing necklines (such as a low-cut V-neck or a low-draping, cowl-neck top dress).


Wear a great, sexy miniskirt. Look for wild-animal patterns, such as leopard or zebra print. You can also choose a solid color and pair it with a sexy, patterned top.


Pick styles that will show the "girls" (you know, cleavage) and those sexy legs--this is key! Make sure to wear a great push-up bra to put your "girls" on display!


Complete this look with a sure crowd pleaser--an alluring pair of fishnet pantyhose. Make sure that the color complements or goes well with your overall outfit.


Don some high-heeled shoes. Go for something that is 2 ВЅ to 4 inches. For those really brave souls, you can go to your local lingerie shop and purchase stripper heels--there's a reason why dancers wear these.


Watch the men drool and the heads turn as you sport your sexy, new, provocative look!

Tips & Warnings

Remember to exude confidence when sporting your new provocative look. Confidence is always sexy.

Don't forget to do your hair and makeup to a "T" as well. There is no point in getting all dressed up if your hair is a mess, and let's face it--a little bit of lipstick and mascara never hurt anyone.

How to Dress Properly for Body Type

How to Dress Properly for Body Type

Every woman is built differently. You may have plenty of curves in some places, but lack them in others. Maybe you're top heavy or need something to make you look a bit taller. Whatever your fashion challenges are, there are clothing items designed to help you make the most of your figure. Here are some simple ways to dress properly for your body type.


Check whether you have a round body. To dress properly for this body type, you will want to accentuate the positive and downplay the negative. Wearing V-necks and low-cut shirts will draw the eye to your best assets. Avoid tight-fitting tops that hug your midsection. If you have nice legs, choose knee-length skirts or capris that show off your stems.


Ask if you're the inverted triangle. This body type is known for broad shoulders and slim hips. Many are also blessed with long legs and a medium-size bust. You are one of the few that can pull off a pair of hip-hugging jeans. The trick to dressing this body type is to balance out your figure by adding a little bit of fullness to your lower half. Flare skirts or pants are a great choice for the inverted triangle.


Dress the pear body shape (small on top and larger on the bottom) by choosing flowing fabrics and skirts that minimize your hips and behind. Square necklines will help broaden your shoulders, making you appear more proportional.


Show off the hourglass figure. Songs have been sung about your sexy curves, so show them to the world. Your best clothing choices are those that draw attention to your well-defined waist. Wrap blouses and dresses are always a good choice, as are semi-fitted clothes that couture your body.

Tips & Warnings

Every manufacturer is different, so make sure to try everything on before you buy.

Bigger is not better. Avoid large dresses or shirts that drape you in fabric; they can actually make you look bigger than you are.

Never be afraid of colors or prints. Being beautiful is about looking and feeling your best, so if yellow makes you happy, then wear it with pride.